Thursday, October 1, 2009


October Buy, Buy, Buy!!

October is back and ready to run. After a brutal October last year traders are ready to go this year. Traditionally, October starts the buying season for stocks after traders get back from summer vacation. October through January is when the money is made, buying in sectors like Banking, Broker/Dealer, Computer Tech, Cyclical, Internet, Materials, Real Estate, Semiconductor and Transports. Don't believe me? Read the Traders Almanac to see how these sectors average 16.2% to 44% during their seasonal run, and that's trading expensive stocks. Don't get left behind! I can help you get in front of this seasonal trend early. With our scanners and radars I can provide you with the top sectors and inexpensive stocks that are moving. November and December will be too late to start trading this trend. You have to start building positions in October and I can help!I can't guarantee that we will remain bullish, however I can guarantee that we are bullish right now.If you want to take advantage of this seasonal run, then subscribe to our daily or weekly picks. Go to and pick a subscription that fits your trading needs. I will provide you with the exact entry and exit points. Get started now, because you don't want to miss this run if/when it happens. You can also email me with any questions at

Good Trading!!!
