Friday, April 30, 2010


If this blog or our trading systems
has helped you in anyway, then share the information so that others can benefit by having the right knowledge.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Usually when making investments, it is implicit that investors believe they have some degree of knowledge about the future. So Wall Street has more fortune tellers than any other industry, I feel I've had an advantage over the years because I am clear about a couple of things:

1) It is part of the nature of life itself (and markets are simply manifestations of people's expectations) to trend.

2) I will never have a complete or full understanding of anything. Therefore, all investment decisions should be based on what can be measured rather than what might be predicted or felt.

John W. Henry

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

MONSTER ETF.......JJN (Nickel)......up 12%........(Click on chart)


"I feel sorry for the traders who watch CNBC all day, every day. they hope to eek out some competitive advantage from the comments of some guy who has never traded an S & P contract in his life. Even if the media happened to have something relevant to say, the news is already reflected in the open, high, low, close, open interest and daily volume"
Christian Baha
CEO Superfund

Saturday, April 17, 2010



Another psychological aspect that drives me to use timing techniques on my portfolio is understanding myself well enough to know that I could never sit in a buy and hold strategy for two years during 1973 and 1974, watch my portfolio go down 48 percent and do nothing, hoping it would come back someday.

Tom Basso

Friday, April 16, 2010

Saturday, April 10, 2010

No More Chasing Performance!!......(play video)


One of our basic philosophical tendencies is that change is constant, change is random, and trends will reappear if we go through a period of non-trending markets. It's only a precursor to future trends and we feel if there is an extended period of non-trending markets, this really does set up a base for very dynamic trends in the future.

John W. Henry

Friday, April 9, 2010

Thursday, April 8, 2010

STOCK BOSS........TSEM........Closed for 38%

Monday, April 5, 2010

SNIPER TRADER......UP 7% Currently.............MONSTER ETF.....Got into......First Trust ISE - Water!!

STOCK BOSS........Closed.....EXFO @ 49% Profit......PDFS @ 1% down.......NABI @ 5%!!!


Just a reminder!!!

This business is not about getting rich quickly or overnight. If anyone tells you differently then, you should walk away very quickly or perhaps run. Trading and investing takes hard work, discipline and more importantly patience. If we are not willing to practice these everyday then no system or trading method will work. It's easy to see STOCK BOSS trading at those levels and say WOW..... that's a great system. However, I don't want you guys chasing markets and systems. That's not how its done!!!

We have had a lot of interest in STOCK BOSS lately and although I am extremely pleased with the success of STOCK BOSS. I am concerned that individuals are chasing the systems based on performance. What you should rather do is look at each trading system and market individually. The reason that I am so excited about MONSTER ETF is because it provides us with not only a new system to trade, but most importantly it allows us to be in many other markets.

The kiss of death for any trader or investor is relying on one market or one system. Markets consolidate (dry up), then the money flows into other markets. Because of this natural flow in the markets, I have designed every single system to take advantage of these different opportunities.

So, I want you guys to really try hard and not get greedy about the performance of any particular system. But, rather get greedy about the possibilities that each system uniquely represents. Work on having multiple systems, so that you can rotate in and out of markets as they provide opportunities. Do not and I repeat, do not fall in love with any particular market or system. If you do, your heart will be broken!!!! :)

Good Trading!!!


FOREX DOMINATOR...........Up 373 pips.........Now Using "HEAT SEEKER" to find opportunities

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Great News........Effective Immediately!!!!

  1. All STOCK BOSS picks are now unlimited at the Novice Trader price of $99 per mo.
  2. "HEAT SEEKER" is the new name of our proprietary system used to give us great picks.
  3. "HEAT SEEKER" will also be used to give us picks for FOREX DOMINATOR.....Very Good News!!
  4. We have started building an exciting new Website & Blog and should be completed in late June. We will keep you posted!!!
  5. will also get a new exciting name with the launch of our new website and Blog.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Weekly Update......Plus March Results..........Play Video!!!


Don't be fooled by the calm. That's always the time to change course, not when you're just about to get hit by the typhoon. The way to avoid being caught in such a storm is to identify the confluence of factors and to change course even though right now the sky is blue, the winds are gentle, and the water seems calm...After all look how calm and sunny it is outside.

Thomas Friedman
The World is Flat

STOCK BOSS........WOW!!.........HUSA up 883%

STOCK BOSS........Closed........NLS @ 35% Profit

Thursday, April 1, 2010